Expanded Room for Worship, Prayer, & Community

With the planned renovations, we’ll be able to gather in one, central location. The new worship space will have flexible seating that can hold 500 people comfortably and up to 600 on very full Sundays. The doors to the sanctuary can also be opened into the large fellowship hall for overflow seating on special occasions. Restrooms are located nearby, and families with young ones will be able to follow the service in comfort in the sound-insulated Family Lounge just off the sanctuary. 


One of the things we have longed for is a space for people to respond to God and receive prayer immediately following our worship services. This is why we have designed a small prayer chapel directly adjacent to the sanctuary. This chapel can also be used for small group meetings and more intimate prayer and worship gatherings throughout the week.


The fellowship hall will be a place for Highrockers to meet over coffee and a snack on Sundays, hold Community Group events, and stop in for study during the week. A full commercial kitchen will make it easy to make and serve food on Sundays and at events. And with windows all along the street, our space will truly be open to the community.

secure space for kidsrock

Connected to the sanctuary by a corridor, the current Mill sanctuary will be transformed into flexible space for Kidsrock, with movable classroom walls that can be opened up for large group gatherings. A single entrance offers a secure check-in spot for parents dropping off and picking up kids on Sunday mornings. 

1st floor plans; draft: 2/7/2020

Sanctuary, from rear center & rear right angles; draft 2/7/2020

Sanctuary, from front right & rear left angles; draft 2/7/2020

Office Space & Meeting Rooms

On the second floor of the main building, we’ll have meeting rooms for the Highrock Spiritual Guides, a conference room and lounge, and office spaces for the staff.

2nd floor plans; draft: 2/7/2020

Street view; draft: 11/1/2019